Weeks to days conversion
Our Weeks to days(wk to day) conversion tool is a free converter enabling you to convert from Weeks to days easily.
How to Convert Weeks to days
To convert from weeks(wk) to days, multiply the number of weeks by 7. This is because 1 week is equal to 7 days, you can use this simple formula to convert:
What is the formula to convert from Weeks to days?
days=weeks x 7
Convert 5 weeks to days
5 weeks = (5 × 7) = 35 days
Convert 10 weeks to days
10 weeks = (10 × 7) = 70 days
Convert 100 weeks to days
100 weeks = (100 × 7) = 700 days
What is a week(Week Definition)?
A Week is a period of 7 days. A Week could be from Monday to Sunday or Sunday to Monday. Every week has five standard working days: Monday to Friday, which is the working period for many people.
What is a day(Day Definition)?
A day is the time of light between one night and the next. A day can also be defined as a period of 24 hours, especially from twelve o'clock one night to twelve o'clock the next night.
How to use our Weeks to days converter (wk to days converter)
Follow these 3 simple steps to use our Weeks to days converter
- Input the number of weeks you wish to convert
- Click on convert and watch this result display in the box below it
- Click Reset to reset the week value
Weeks to days FAQS
- What is today?
- Tuesday, 11 February 2025
Weeks to days Conversion Table
weeks | days |
wk | days |