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Teaspoons to Tablespoons conversion

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How did we calculate tsp?

To Calculate, we took the value you submited and divided it by 3 to get the result.

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Our Teaspoons to Tablespoons conversion tool is a free converter that enables you to convert from Teaspoons to Tablespoon easily.

How to Convert Teaspoons to Tablespoon

To convert a Teaspoons volume to a tablespoon volume, divide the volume by the conversion ratio. Since 1 tablespoon is equal to 3 tablespoons, you can use this simple formula to convert:

What is the formula to convert from Teaspoons to Tablespoon?

tbsp=tsp / 3


Convert 5tsp to tablespoon

5 tsp = (5 / 3) = 1.666667 tbsp

Convert 10tsp to tablespoon

10 tsp = (10 / 3) = 3.333333 tbsp

Convert 100tsp to tablespoon

100 tsp = (100 / 3) = 33.333333 tbsp


What is a Teaspoon?

A teaspoon (symbol: tsp) is a unit of volume based on an item of cutlery. The United States customary teaspoon is equal to exactly 4.928922 mL. The metric teaspoon is equal to 5 mL.

What is the Teaspoon used for?

The teaspoon is widely used in cooking within certain countries, as well as for measuring pharmaceutic prescriptions. Outside of these applications, the unit is not particularly used, with measurements such as the liter or cubic meter being preferred.


What is a Tablespoon?

A tablespoon (symbol: Tbsp) is a unit of volume based on an item of cutlery. The United States customary tablespoon is equal to approximately 14.8 mL, a metric tablespoon is exactly equal to 15 mL, and an Australian tablespoon is equal to 20 mL. In nutrition labeling in both the US and the UK, a tablespoon is defined as 15 mL.

What is the Tablespoon used for?

The table spoon as a unit of volume is used in cooking in certain countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

How to use our Teaspoons to Tablespoon converter

Follow these 3 simple steps to use our Teaspoons to Tablespoon converter

  1. Input the unit of Teaspoons you wish to convert
  2. Click on convert and watch this result display in the box below it
  3. Click Reset to reset the tablespoon value

Teaspoons to Tablespoon Conversion Table

tsp tbsp

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