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Rankine to Kelvin conversion

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How did we calculate °R?

To Calculate, we took the value you submited and subtracted 273.15 from it to get the result.
( / 1.8)

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Our Rankine to Kelvin conversion tool is a free converter that enables you to convert from Rankine to Kelvin easily.

How to Convert Rankine to Kelvin

To convert a Rankine temparature to a kelvin temparature, use the following fomular:

What is the formula to convert from Rankine to Kelvin?

k=°R / 1.8


Convert 5°R to kelvin

5 °R = 5 / 1.8 = 2.777778 k

Convert 10°R to kelvin

10 °R = 10 / 1.8 = 5.555556 k

Convert 100°R to kelvin

100 °R = 100 / 1.8 = 55.555556 k


What is a Rankine?

The Rankine (symbol: °F) pertains to an absolute temperature scale (Rankine scale) in which the degree intervals are equal to those of the Fahrenheit scale and in which 0° Rankine equals −459.7° Fahrenheit

What is the Rankine used for?

Rankine is commonly used in the aerospace industry in the United States. Rankine is to Fahrenheit what Kelvin is for Celsius. So when people in the United States were creating programs and using equations that needed an absolute temperature, they used Rankine before Celsius became dominate for scientific calculations.


What is a Kelvin?

The kelvin (symbol: K) is the base unit of thermodynamic temperature in the International System of Units (SI). It is defined as the energy equivalent of the triple point of water as given by Boltzmann's equation. It is also the unit of the Kelvin scale in which the null point (0 K) is the temperature at which all thermal motion ceases, known as absolute zero.

What is the Kelvin used for?

The kelvin is used worldwide, particularly in science and engineering, together with the Celsius. This is partially due to the kelvin and the Celsius degree having exactly the same magnitude. Unlike the Celsius and Fahrenheit, the kelvin is not used in meteorological contexts.

How to use our Rankine to Kelvin converter

Follow these 3 simple steps to use our Rankine to Kelvin converter

  1. Input the unit of Rankine you wish to convert
  2. Click on convert and watch this result display in the box below it
  3. Click Reset to reset the Rankine value

Rankine to Kelvin Conversion Table

°R k

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